Since the plan was to make the world very large, the liquid model need to be keept simple, preferably not require a lot of new memory allocations. And in all ways as fast as possible to access.
My original design,
even if it looks interesting, have some issues with liquids that by design don't mix, they would start building underwater pyramids, and from a performance standpoint it was a bit too slow.
The goal now is try to implement a liquidmodel as described from the game Clonk where rather then moving large chunks of water, you teleport water across the waterbody, since all liquids in their system won't mix with each other, you are garantued to limit the movement a lot.
So my implemenation will probably contain acid/toxic sludge, water and oil used for various parts.
Could be that some builds require water/oil but release toxic. We will see what the future brings.